Participated a Seminar at United Nations
Ambassador of UNWPA Bangladesh H.E.Ariful Islam visited UN Headquarters and participated in a seminar. #UNWPA #UNWPABANGLADESH
Ambassador of UNWPA Bangladesh H.E.Ariful Islam visited UN Headquarters and participated in a seminar. #UNWPA #UNWPABANGLADESH
In the dated of 9th June, 2022, On behalf of United Nation World Peace Association (UNWPA), Bangladesh, Ambassador and Representative of Foreign Affairs H. E. Ariful Islam Razib has joined a Space Leadership Training at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Florida, USA. He also discussed with their higher authority about our UNWPA activities. Higher authority appreciated the all kinds of activities of UNWPA for all over the world. #UNWPA #UNWPABANGLADESH
We would like to Congratulate to our Head Representative in Morocco for receiving a Certificate of Achievement for Global Leadership Excellence. #UNWPA #UNWPAMOROCCO
#UNWPA #UNWPABangladesh
Yesterday October 30,2020 on SNS, President Moon, the chairman of the National Unification Advisory Council for Democratic Peace, and other stakeholders from various fields and the Japan Regional Council and the ASEAN Regional Council held a conference. Photo on the upper side is our UNWPA Head Representative for Korea Ambassador Lee (HOSHIKAWA WATARU) #UNWPA #UNWPAKOREA
In appreciation for her effort regarding volunteer service. She is helping people in need during the Covid-19 Pandemic serving foods and volunteering to less fortunate. On her birthday Unwpa Bangladesh handed the Certificate of Appreciation from Unwpa Headquarters. Presented by Unwpa Head Representative Bangladesh President Ratan Kumar Das, Representative for General affairs and Welfare H.E Md Ariful Islam, Representative for operation Management H.E Syed Azmul Haque, Director for planning activities H.E Md Alamgir Hossain,...
Unwpa Malaysia Reprentative, Executive Committee of United Nations Association Malaysia (UNAM) Dato Marieta Arguido Reformado received an Appreciation toke from Gabongan Dato Malaysia/Association of Economy Dato` Dato in Malaysia given on February 29,2020 at Lacrista Hotel Melaka.
On behalf of UNWPA we would like to Congratulate UNWPA ambassador Omar Mukhtar for Kenya received his long standing service certificate from the International Police Association. Congratulations
Sagaing University-Peace Event -2020 for Interdependent , Mutual Prosperity, and Universal Values brings together prominent experts from all University’s Students and Teachers to share the vision of peace process as one great family and community and to find practicable methods to realize Nationwide peace process for Myanmar. Peace Event (2020) Host & Sponsored By #IBEC